Air humidity changes with changes in air conditions. When air is compressed, its temperature rises and relative humidity decreases; when compressed air expands and the air temperature drops, its relative humidity increases, and moisture will usually be released. So, what are the consequences if the air compressor is damp?

- Rusting (Rusting)
Increased humidity in compressed air systems causes corrosion of critical components such as air pipes and valves. If left alone will cause energy loss and reduce overall performance capacity.
- Impact on the quality of the final product
High moisture content causes the air compressor not to work properly and affects the final output. Product quality, such as color, and adhesion, to the final coat of paint, is compromised. These poor-quality products risk being rejected in the market and will affect your sales and profit margins.
- Harm the production process
Not using dry compressed air may affect the pneumatic control function. These controls risk malfunctioning due to rust, scale, and clogged holes which can cause unwanted interruptions and even sudden complete stops in the production process.
- Incorrect reading
Abnormal air content and temperature in compressed air systems sometimes cause inaccurate or even wrong instrumentation readings, causing interruptions or even unexpected termination of the installation process.

That's how important it is to repair and maintain your compressed air system! Contact us for further consultation!