Compressor is a mechanical device that serves to increase the pressure of the incompressible fluid, that is gas or air. The purpose of increasing the pressure can be to flow or process requirements in a larger process system.

Then, what should be considered in compressor maintenance?
1. Turning off compressor when not in use
There are 168 hours in a week, but most compressor systems only run at or near full capacity between 60-100 hours. Turning off your compressor at night and on weekends can reduce your electrical load by up to 20 percent. And of course, maintain the lifetime of the compressor.
2. Always check fuel level in your compressor
If your compressor requires diesel fuel, be sure to check it every time you use it. If the diesel fuel level is low, you can cause serious damage to the compressor. After using for 500-1000 hours, you must replace the fuel with new fuel (fresh).
3. Clean the water filter
If your air filter is dirty, your compressor will have to work harder and use more energy to get the job done. You will also be at risk from a contaminated compressor. Check all the filters on your compressor regularly and replace the filter if it has some amount of dust and dirt. If you rarely use the compressor, change your air filter every 3-6 months.
4. Replacing the separator element
The separator element is responsible for preventing excessive use of fuel. However, if you do not replace it regularly, your bill will increase. For every 2 drops of PSI in separator pressure, your bill can increase by as much as 1%. It's much cheaper if you replace the separator element than making your bill go up continuously over time.
5. Fix any leaks
A quarter-inch air leak at 100 psi will cost you more than $2,500. 33,447,455.55 per year. Pipe systems that are more than five years old can have up to 25 percent leakage. This is because it takes energy to produce compressed air, any air that leaks make money wasted. About 80 percent of air leaks are inaudible, so to minimize this problem, use a leak detector to detect these leaks.
6. Checking water lines
The condensate drains on the timer must be adjusted periodically to ensure that they open as intended or do not get stuck when opening. Better yet, replace the timer line with a zero-loss line to stop the compressed air being wasted.
7. Recover Heat
This is a simple physics theory that compresses air to release heat, and as much as 90 percent of that heat can be recovered for use in your compressor operation. For example, you can generate hot water for the restroom or warm air directly into your workspace, warehouse, loading dock, or entrance.
8. Keep compressor clean
A dirty compressor is a faulty compressor. Your air compressor should never have a fuel leak. Do not allow dust to collect on the pump, motor, or the area around the cooling fins The accumulation of dust will prevent proper ventilation and heat dissipation. Keeping your compressor clean and properly closed will help manage temperature properly and maintain smooth operation

Those are the important things that we can pay attention to in proper compressor maintenance. For consultation or further information, contact us now!