The hospital medical gas system planning consultant must be carried out by a company that is experienced and has experts according to the system used. We, PT VANDO TEKNIK SOLUSI, are an experienced company and have trusted experts to design hospital medical gas systems by adopting the NFPA99 and HTM-standard systems. With a system that has been designed, it will produce a system that fits the needs of the hospital or efficiency, budgeting according to needs and anticipating the system when there is repair or service.

     You have to pay attention to who and how the medical system planning will be carried out. If the medical gas system is designed with a team that is cheap, as long as it's fast and does not consider what will happen in the future. This will be detrimental to the hospital when the hospital is operational, considering that the medical gas system must always distribute clean air to hospital patients.

So, make sure that your medical gas planning consultant is trusted and does their best!