Medical Gas is gas with special specifications used for medical services at health care facilities. The types and types of gas that are classified as used for health services in medical gas systems are as follows:
1. Oxygen / Oxygen (O2)
The use of oxygen in the medical world, was first introduced since the early 1900's. Is a type of gas that is always available in hospitals, and in almost all places with health facilities. Usually used in emergencies, and as first aid, especially in patients who experience shock, trauma, heavy bleeding, poisoning, cardiovascular (heart & blood vessel disease). Oxygen is also often used as a therapy for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). This therapy is carried out by providing additional oxygen to patients with COPD in the long term. COPD itself is a long-term effect of smoking, so patients may need supplemental oxygen. Can be used only when conditions worsen or as a permanent daily support. This therapy has been shown to significantly help patients with COPD survive.
2. Nitrogen
Nitrogen is a medical gas used for cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is a treatment for patients with tumors that are on the outside of the body. As in skin tumors, which take advantage of the extreme cold generated by liquid nitrogen. Treatment is done by applying nitrogen directly using a cotton swab or sprayer. It also functions as a storage for tissues, cells and blood at low temperatures. In addition, it also functions as a mixture to perform lung function tests. Meanwhile, in the pharmaceutical world, it is used in the manufacture of drugs.
3. Nitric Oxide(N2O)
Dinitrogen Oxide is a medical gas known as laughing gas. Then dentists began to use it as an analgesic drug (pain reliever), since 1812. Since then, nitrous oxide has been widely used in surgery, either as an analgesic or anesthetic (anesthetic). There are times when this is a contradiction of patients undergoing certain types of medical procedures, so it is not recommended to use this type of gas.
4. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Carbon dioxide is often used for insufflation (act of blowing gas, powder, vapor into the body) of medical gases for less invasive surgeries. As well as for respiratory stimulation before and after anesthesia. Usually this is in tube packaging, but for large quantities it is better if it is distributed through a medical gas installation system
5. Medical Air
Medical air is generated by compressed air used in hospitals and healthcare facilities that distribute medical gases. Not contaminated by other particles, odorless or moist. When a patient is in the operating room, whether it's an emergency or not, the surgeon/doctor uses medical air to keep the patient breathing comfortably. Compressed air can be used as medical air, or as a driving tool.

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