Safe and reliable vacuum performance is essential for uninterrupted production. It requires a good vacuum oil to perform according to pre-set standards consistently. But a good vacuum oil provides more than just performance. This brings many benefits which add further value to the production.

How does oil affect extended service intervals?
The first and most important benefit is the extended service interval. This means that the oil is changed less often. Extended oil life results in savings. Good vacuum oil provides stable operation and viscosity performance. As a result, there is a considerable reduction in the wear of close contact components. Lower pump component wear is supplied with good vacuum oil.

How will my choice of oil affect operational and environmental costs?
Another feature of a good vacuum oil is its stability – in terms of operation. As a result, energy efficiency goes hand in hand with good vacuum oil. Save on energy bills, good vacuum oil goes a long way in environmental protection. Since good vacuum grease is made from harmless ingredients, no complicated documentation is required. It also saves time spent doing potentially dangerous checks and reviews.