Selenoid Valve is a valve that is moved by electrical energy through solenoids and has a coil as a movement that functions to move the piston that AC or DC can drive. A Solenoid valve is a pneumatic valve (valve) of the solenoids with input and output holes.

The working principle of solenoid valve

The Solenoid valve will work if the coil/coil gets an electric current voltage that matches the working voltage (most of the solenoid valve work voltage is 100/200vac, and most of the working voltage at the DC voltage is 12/24VDC). And a pin will be attracted because of the magnetic force produced by the solenoid coil. And when the pin is pulled up, the fluid will flow from room C to part D quickly. So the pressure in room C drops, and the pressure of the fluid that enters lifts the diaphragm. So that the main valve is open and the fluid flows directly from A to F.